
admin_login Matched route

Route Parameters

No parameters.

Route Matching Logs

Path to match: /login
# Route name Path Log
1 _preview_error /_error/{code}.{_format} Path does not match
2 _wdt /_wdt/{token} Path does not match
3 _profiler_home /_profiler/ Path does not match
4 _profiler_search /_profiler/search Path does not match
5 _profiler_search_bar /_profiler/search_bar Path does not match
6 _profiler_phpinfo /_profiler/phpinfo Path does not match
7 _profiler_xdebug /_profiler/xdebug Path does not match
8 _profiler_search_results /_profiler/{token}/search/results Path does not match
9 _profiler_open_file /_profiler/open Path does not match
10 _profiler /_profiler/{token} Path does not match
11 _profiler_router /_profiler/{token}/router Path does not match
12 _profiler_exception /_profiler/{token}/exception Path does not match
13 _profiler_exception_css /_profiler/{token}/exception.css Path does not match
14 activite_load /activite/load Path does not match
15 activite_new /activite/new Path does not match
16 activite_edit /activite/edit/{id} Path does not match
17 new_activite /activite/newActivite Path does not match
18 edit_activite /activite/editActivate/{id} Path does not match
19 activite_delete /activite/delete/{id} Path does not match
20 agenda_get_rooms /agenda/getrooms/{start}/{end} Path does not match
21 agenda_drop_resize /agenda/drop_resize/{id}/{fromDate}/{toDate}/{doctorId}/{coloration} Path does not match
22 agenda_new /agenda/new/{message} Path does not match
23 agenda_add /agenda/add/{typeEvent}/{coloration}/{patient} Path does not match
24 agenda_reload /agenda/reload/{year}/{coloration} Path does not match
25 agenda_refresh /agenda/reload/{date}/{coloration} Path does not match
26 agenda_edit /agenda/edit/{id}/{coloration} Path does not match
27 agenda_delete /agenda/delete/{id} Path does not match
28 agenda_notify /agenda/notify/{id}/{type} Path does not match
29 agenda_cancel /agenda/cancel/{id} Path does not match
30 agenda_imposed /agenda/notify/{id}/{type} Path does not match
31 appointmentconsultation_load /appointmentconsultation/load Path does not match
32 appointmentconsultation_new /appointmentconsultation/new Path does not match
33 appointmentconsultation_edit /appointmentconsultation/edit/{id} Path does not match
34 appointmentconsultation_delete /appointmentconsultation/delete/{id} Path does not match
35 appointmenttype_load /appointmenttype/load Path does not match
36 appointmenttype_new /appointmenttype/new Path does not match
37 appointmenttype_edit /appointmenttype/appointmenttype_edit Path does not match
38 appointmenttype_delete /appointmenttype/delete/{id} Path does not match
39 holiday_load /holiday/load Path does not match
40 holiday_new /holiday/new Path does not match
41 holiday_edit /holiday/edit/{id} Path does not match
42 holiday_delete /holiday/delete/{id} Path does not match
43 info_load /info/load Path does not match
44 info_new /info/new Path does not match
45 info_edit /info/edit/{id} Path does not match
46 info_delete /info/delete/{id} Path does not match
47 offwork_load /offwork/load Path does not match
48 offwork_new /offwork/new Path does not match
49 offwork_edit /offwork/edit/{id} Path does not match
50 offwork_delete /offwork/delete/{id} Path does not match
51 offwork_activate /offwork/activate/{id} Path does not match
52 room_load /room/load Path does not match
53 room_new /room/new Path does not match
54 room_edit /room/edit/{id} Path does not match
55 room_delete /room/delete/{id} Path does not match
56 room_filter /room/filter Path does not match
57 treatment_load /load Path does not match
58 treatment_new /new Path does not match
59 treatment_edit /edit/{id} Path does not match
60 treatment_delete /delete/{id} Path does not match
61 treatment_addInAgenda /addInAgenda/{id} Path does not match
62 useroffwork_load /useroffwork/load Path does not match
63 useroffwork_new /useroffwork/new Path does not match
64 useroffwork_edit /useroffwork/edit/{id} Path does not match
65 useroffwork_delete /useroffwork/delete/{id} Path does not match
66 configuration_load /configurations/load Path does not match
67 configuration_new /configurations/new Path does not match
68 configuration_edit /configurations/edit/{id} Path does not match
69 configuration_delete /configurations/delete/{id} Path does not match
70 app_filter /filter/{path} Path does not match
71 app_dashboard /dashboard Path does not match
72 app_agenda /agendas/{patient}/{isajax} Path does not match
73 app_user /user Path does not match
74 app_lettre /lettre Path does not match
75 app_lettretemplate /lettretemplate Path does not match
76 app_neurostimulateur /neurostimulateur Path does not match
77 app_patient /patient Path does not match
78 app_medecin /medecin Path does not match
79 app_parameters /parameters Path does not match
80 app_consommable /consommable Path does not match
81 app_fiche /fiche Path does not match
82 app_effetsecondaire /effetsecondaire Path does not match
83 app_importance /importance Path does not match
84 app_etatchoice /etatchoice Path does not match
85 app_perfusionchoice /perfusionchoice Path does not match
86 app_modeledisponiblechoice /modeledisponiblechoice Path does not match
87 app_accessoirechoice /accessoirechoice Path does not match
88 app_attachmentchoice /attachmentchoice Path does not match
89 app_opale /opale Path does not match
90 app_nerfcible /nerfCible Path does not match
91 app_niveau /niveau Path does not match
92 app_cotechoice /cotechoice Path does not match
93 app_testchoice /testchoice Path does not match
94 app_changeimpression /changeimpression Path does not match
95 app_avischoice /avischoice Path does not match
96 app_diagnosticchoice /diagnosticchoice Path does not match
97 app_motif /motif Path does not match
98 app_couvertureparesthesique /couvertureparesthesique Path does not match
99 app_modestimulationchoice /modestimulationchoice Path does not match
100 app_compatibiliteirmchoice /compatibiliteirmchoice Path does not match
101 app_positionelectrode /positionelectrode Path does not match
102 app_modeleelectrode /modeleelectrode Path does not match
103 app_interventionchoice /interventionchoice Path does not match
104 app_pompechoice /pompechoice Path does not match
105 app_efficaciteIntrathecal /efficaciteIntrathecal Path does not match
106 app_zonestimulee /zonestimulee Path does not match
107 app_rachischoice /rachischoice Path does not match
108 app_positionchoice /positionchoice Path does not match
109 app_membresuperieurchoice /membresuperieurchoice Path does not match
110 app_membreinferieurchoice /membreinferieurchoice Path does not match
111 app_regionchoice /regionchoice Path does not match
112 app_articulationchoice /articulationchoice Path does not match
113 app_douleurinjectionchoice /douleurinjectionchoice Path does not match
114 app_complication /complication Path does not match
115 app_corticoide /corticoide Path does not match
116 app_techniquechoice /techniquechoice Path does not match
117 app_techniquechoiceneuromod /techniquechoiceneuromod Path does not match
118 app_localisationespaceepiduralchoice /localisationespaceepiduralchoice Path does not match
119 app_tarmedConsultation /tarmedConsultation Path does not match
120 app_bibliomedia /biblio_media/{isajax} Path does not match
121 app_categoriehypnotherapie /categorie_hypnotherapie Path does not match
122 app_categorieexercice /categorie_exercice Path does not match
123 app_question /question Path does not match
124 app_pushParam /pushParam Path does not match
125 app_localpain /localpain Path does not match
126 app_depot /depot Path does not match
127 app_invoice /invoice Path does not match
128 app_documentsutiles /documentsutiles Path does not match
129 app_exercice /exercice Path does not match
130 app_hypnoterapie /hypnotherapie Path does not match
131 app_refluxchoice /refluxchoice Path does not match
132 app_holiday /holiday Path does not match
133 app_postitchoice /postitchoice Path does not match
134 app_postits /postits Path does not match
135 app_offwork /offWork Path does not match
136 app_room /room Path does not match
137 app_appointmenttype /appointmenttype Path does not match
138 app_treatment /treatment Path does not match
139 app_info /info Path does not match
140 app_activite /activite Path does not match
141 app_appointmentconsultation /appointmentconsultation Path does not match
142 app_configuration /configuration Path does not match
143 admin_login /login Route matches!

Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.